R.I.P. Frank McCoy 1944-2020
(too old to reply)
2020-05-01 06:33:17 UTC
I recently learned that Frank McCoy died on April 2nd, 2020. I learned this through the prisoner locator website maintained by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

Previously, one could see Frank's information as follows:

Register Number: 13781-041
Age: 75
Race: White
Sex: Male
Located at: Elkton FCI
Release Date: 08/03/2024

FCI Elkton
P.O. BOX 10
LISBON, OH 44432

It has now been replaced by this entry:

Register Number: 13781-041
Age: 76
Race: White
Sex: Male

Deceased: 04/02/2020

Frank was just over the half-way point of a 10 year sentence imposed in November/December 2015, at the time of his death.

Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
- --

Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 CE

If you accept that freedom of speech is important, then you are going to
have to defend the indefensible. -- Neil Gaiman

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are
free." -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"We learned during the McCarthy era that when the State gets behind a moral
panic, no one is safe." -- Bob Chatelle

Modern Conservative: Someone who can take time out from demanding more anti-
gay laws, more abortion laws, more drug laws, more obscenity laws, and more
police authority to make warrantless arrests to remind us that we need to
"get the government off our backs".

Mistrust those in whom the urge to punish is strong.
--Friedrich Nietzsche

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
-- Thomas Paine
Eli the Bearded
2020-05-01 17:38:41 UTC
Post by Baal
I recently learned that Frank McCoy died on April 2nd, 2020. I learned
this through the prisoner locator website maintained by the Bureau of
Prisons (BOP).
Thanks for the update. I note the old birthday list said he was born in
November 1943, not 1944. His stories were not to my tastes, but that
doesn't mean I wanted him to die in jail.

I'm going to include three things to help people know who he was.

First, quoting from the very long:

Subject: {ASSM} {FAQ} Ole Joe's Guide - UPDATE - v.2003 [1/2]
From: "Franz Kafka" <***@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:10:02 -0500

------ cut 8<------
FRANK MCCOY has a website for his stories and reposts them to the group
occasionally. All his stories are incestuously related, generally adult
male/teen-or-pre-teen female. Often includes impregnation. If that turns you
on, you gotta have them.
A Day in the Life of
Suzy Jenkins 14k, 9.5-6-6 CR213
A Good Catholic Girl 57k
Allie-My Little Sister 52k
Appearances 41k
Assumptions 32k
At the Doctor's Office 9-6-6 CR182
Big Sister's Lessons 77k
Bound for Fun I 65k
Bound for Fun II 61k
Bound for Fun Comment 61k
But Mom 8-5-3 CR66
Conversations I 12k
Conversations II 9k
(p)Daddy slid in bed with me
Daddy's Girl 10k
Daddy's Lessons 106k
Daddy's Daughters 23k
Daddy's Present 20k
Daughter Needs Practice 9k
Daughter's Lessons 46k
Donut Shop 9-8-5 CR298
Fun with My Sister's Kids 43k
Fun with Dick and Jane 10-3-4 CR271
Getting my Daughters Dressed
for School 18k
Getting out of hand 57k
Good Deed 10-8-6 CR112
Grandpop's Cum 11k
Grandpa's Rape 22k
Guarantee 10-9-9 CR148
Helping Out Sis 7k
Helping Papa 28k
Her Father's Daughter 688k
Horny Out of my Mind 55k, 10 CR33, ASSM-1997/3662.txt
Horny Nieces 104k
In Your Sister 7k
Interruptions 131k
It's Not Fair 37k
Jasmine and the Purple Panties 35k
Just a Dream? 26k
Just Horseshit 25k
Just Posing 40k
Learning 27k
Little Girls Need It Too 62k
Little Red Ridinghood 40k
Melanie's Busy Day 45k
Momma's way 21k
Mommy Juice 27k
Making Momma Proud 34k
Making it 'good' for Daddy 23k
Mornings 12k
My First Time with Daddy 17k
My Granddaughter Learns How 22k
My Little Sister 39k
Not Really 2k
On Vacation 91k
One Fine Morning 5k
One Fine Morning Part-II 44k
Patience 11k
The Pedophile 82k
Peeping In on My Daughter 14k
Poor Planning 40k
Practicing' with my
little sister 9k
Pregnant! #1 6k
Pregnant! #2 7k
Privacy 21k
Raping Little Suzy 51k
The Reformed Child-Abuser 37k
Restrictions 64k
'Safe-Sex' 28k
The Breeders Cup 40k
The Shopping Channel 16k
Showing my Younger
Daughter How 3k
Showing My Daughter 17k
Sandwich 9.5-7-7 CR91
Taking the Blame 14k
Taking Chances 74k, 7 CR38
Taught by My Big Sister 19k
The Best Laid Plans ...
sometimes work out OK 9-4-2 CR214
The Birthday Present 15k
The 'Good Girl' 95k
The Wolf and the seven
little She-Goats 41k
The Zucchini 21k, 7-8-2 CR244
Two Much 6-5-4 CR65
Vignette 1k
Weird 9-6-3 CR269
Winning the Lottery 9k
------>8 cut ------

Second, an old back and forth from this group.

------ cut 8<------
From: Jack C Lipton <***@peElMe.cx>
Subject: {ASSD} More hopper-fodder ....
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:20:06 GMT
Post by Baal
I was just getting breakfast in the kitchen where
the wife had left a bottle of spaghetti-sauce out
for dinner ... likely tomorrow or the next day.
I was eating cereal when I noticed the label,
"Prego(tm)" and almost spewed milk and raisin-bran
all over the counter when I thought, "What if it
was true?"
Back in the mists of history, sometime in the late
1970s or early 1980s, the TV ads for Prego had a
woman being asked about the "usual" goodies-- spices
and the like-- being in the sauce and the woman who
was holding it proudly in her kitchen announced,
"it's in there!".

Given the product name *and* that advertising I do
not think I need to go much further to tell anyone
what crossed my mind, even back then.

Granted, I think the ads were in the northeast.

------>8 cut ------

Finally, a six word story challenge he posted:

------ cut 8<------
From: Frank McCoy <***@millcomm.com>
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.d
Subject: Re: {ASSD} Six words
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 16:35:31 -0600
Organization: S.F.P.I.A
Post by Baal
This month's _Wired_ magazine has a piece that features six-word
stories by several prominent authors. It got me wondering - can a good
sex story be written using just six words?
I suppose I should set this up as a challenge or something. :-)
I fucked her. She came too.

/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_

------>8 cut ------

thinks we can all agree, "$partner came too" is a good thing
2020-05-02 14:23:32 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Baal
I recently learned that Frank McCoy died on April 2nd, 2020. I learned
this through the prisoner locator website maintained by the Bureau of
Prisons (BOP).
Thanks for the update. I note the old birthday list said he was born in
November 1943, not 1944.
Thanks for the correction -- I was unaware of the birthday list.
Post by Eli the Bearded
His stories were not to my tastes,
Nor mine -- I think I read a few paragraphs of one of them, and that was
Post by Eli the Bearded
but that doesn't mean I wanted him to die in jail.
Me, neither. Where I live, simple possession of any of Frank's materials --
even though they are just text -- constitute a criminal offence, and grounds
for a minimum 2-year jail sentence.

It has long been my view that the state has NO business whatsoever telling
authors what they can write, nor citizens what they can read or view, for
that matter. We have long since lost that battle in this country, and so it
would appear, in yours as well, at least insofar as certain types of erotica
are concerned.
Post by Eli the Bearded
I'm going to include three things to help people know who he was.
Subject: {ASSM} {FAQ} Ole Joe's Guide - UPDATE - v.2003 [1/2]
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:10:02 -0500
------ cut 8<------
FRANK MCCOY has a website for his stories and reposts them to the group
occasionally. All his stories are incestuously related, generally adult
male/teen-or-pre-teen female. Often includes impregnation. If that turns
you on, you gotta have them.
[list snipped]

I noticed that you did not include any links to where these materials might
potentially be obtained -- in light of what happened to Frank, this was a
prudent move.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Second, an old back and forth from this group.
------ cut 8<------
Subject: {ASSD} More hopper-fodder ....
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 13:20:06 GMT
Post by Baal
I was just getting breakfast in the kitchen where
the wife had left a bottle of spaghetti-sauce out
for dinner ... likely tomorrow or the next day.
I was eating cereal when I noticed the label,
"Prego(tm)" and almost spewed milk and raisin-bran
all over the counter when I thought, "What if it
was true?"
Back in the mists of history, sometime in the late
1970s or early 1980s, the TV ads for Prego had a
woman being asked about the "usual" goodies-- spices
and the like-- being in the sauce and the woman who
was holding it proudly in her kitchen announced,
"it's in there!".
Given the product name *and* that advertising I do
not think I need to go much further to tell anyone
what crossed my mind, even back then.
Granted, I think the ads were in the northeast.
------>8 cut ------
What a character, eh?
Post by Eli the Bearded
------ cut 8<------
Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.d
Subject: Re: {ASSD} Six words
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2006 16:35:31 -0600
Organization: S.F.P.I.A
Post by Baal
This month's _Wired_ magazine has a piece that features six-word
stories by several prominent authors. It got me wondering - can a good
sex story be written using just six words?
I suppose I should set this up as a challenge or something.
I fucked her. She came too.
/ ' / ™
,-/-, __ __. ____ /_
(_/ / (_(_/|_/ / <_/ <_
------>8 cut ------
Thanks for posting these samples -- this is the first time I had seen these.

I've been thinking about Frank a lot, and when I got the news, it was like a
punch in the gut. Many of us feared that Frank would die in prison, given his
age and pre-existing health conditions. (Given the date of his death, I find
myself wondering if Covid-19 might have been a precipitating factor, given
that Frank was an insulin-dependent diabetic, and diabetics are at higher-
risk for death from Covid-19; I suppose we'll never know.)

What does this say, about a country and its' justice system, that would send
an elderly man (in poor health) to prison for a decade, followed by a further
decade of probation?

I'm convinced that the rationale for this was to silence Frank -- even if he
survived his 10-year sentence, and were released in August 2024, the court
ordered mandatory 10-year probation period would likely have prevented him
going online and expressing himself until he was into his 90s.

Think about the timeline of events, for a moment -- Frank was originally
arrested in 2008, was tried in 2010, and was sentenced in 2013. He then
served about 2 years in prison, after which he was on probation for a further
2 years. Frank was free for less than 6 months, whereupon he was re-arrested,
tried, convicted, and sentenced to 10 years in jail, followed by a further
10 years of probation.

If Frank had survived his jail sentence, and completed the subsequent 10-year
probationary period, this means that the entire period from 2008 to 2034
would have been spent incarcerated, or otherwise under the thumb of the
correctional system. If you add that up, that amounts to some 26 years!

Frank wasn't convicted of murder or manslaughter -- rather, his crime was to
challenge the authorities, in trying to get Miller v. California overturned.

What is truly sad (not to mention ironic) is that the laws that Frank sought
to overturn are now even more firmly cemented into place, after his original
conviction was upheld unanimously on appeal. It would have far been better
for everyone, especially Frank himself, if he had never tried to overturn
the law in the first place.

Frank was bone-headed on this issue; he was absolutely bound and determined
to try to overturn Miller v. California in the courts. I tried to tell him
that it was very unlikely that he would be successful in overturning decades
of settled law, but he simply would not relent. (That said, I hoped he would
be successful, but I think I took a more realistic/cynical view of things
than he did.)

My impression was that Frank put his faith in the Constitution and the
justice system. Very likely that naive faith arose out of a Pollyanna-ish
view of the law, courts and justice system that was fed to Americans of his
generation by the mass-media. Both Frank and I grew up watching episodes of
Perry Mason, in which Mason was always victorious. Many people share this
cartoon-ish view of how the justice system works; it is only when they
themselves (or one of their loved ones) become ensnared in the the clutches
of the 'justice' system that the illusion finally falls-away, and they
realize the truth.

The truth is that the justice system is NOT about truth, justice, or even
fair-play -- rather, it is about processing people through a meat-grinder of
a system with the goal of incarcerating the maximum number of people
possible. It is not for nothing that America, with only 4% of the global
population, nevertheless has 25% of the globe's prisoners.

I have seen references to a study of statistics of the Federal Court system.
This study revealed a remarkable fact: in one-half of the 92 U.S. Federal
Judicial districts, there were NO acquittals whatsoever for the study period:
in other words, there was a 100% conviction rate.

In districts that did report acquittals, they usually numbered no more than
1 or 2 in each district. Each Federal Judicial District handles thousands of
cases per year, and yet the number of acquittals is negligible.

Several years back, there was a piece in the New York Times, where a judge
was interviewed -- he hadn't had a jury trial in the previous 3 years. He
expressed his worry that the right to a jury-trial was becoming endangered.

This is about as far from Perry Mason as one can imagine.

Just look at how far the authorities were willing to go, to put Frank behind

* They used undercover officers.

* They used a 19th Century law originally designed to criminalize both the
publication and distribution of birth-control information (18 USC §1462)
including links to where such infomation may be found. This is the law
(championed by Anthony Comstock, the 19th Century's most notorious censor)
that was used to convict and imprison Frank for 2 years.

* The Feds both judge-shopped as well as jurisdiction-shopped. They first
tried two judges in McCoy's home state of Minnesota, but both judges
refused to sign an arrest warrant.

They then tried jurisdiction-shopping, trying one of the most conservative
jurisdictions in America: Georgia. Even there, they had to try 3 judges --
the first two, IIRC, refused to sign-off on the arrest warrant.

* The authorities sent a six-person team of U.S. Marshals to effect the
original arrest in January, 2008. Six armed Marshals to arrest one elderly
man in poor health.

* Naturally, Frank appealed his conviction -- he was already out of prison
having completed his sentence, before the appeal decision was handed-down.
The decision to uphold his conviction was unanimous.

* Within a few months of the appeal decision being handed-down, Frank was
re-arrested, and tried as a repeat-offender -- this was used as the reason
that such a harsh sentence/probation conditions were handed-down.

Frank (naively) trusted in the law, and the courts; I, on the other hand,
trust for my safety in the laws of mathematics (i.e. encryption). My personal
security philosophy has always been:

"Better to have it, and not need it, than need it and not have it."

Frank could have very easily used the same email/posting methods that I've
used for decades, which could have prevented everything that he went through,
but he did not wish to do so, based on his incredibly naive trust in the U.S.
legal system.

Frank had the courage of his convictions, I'll give him that, but he paid a
*very* high price for it.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
- --

Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 CE
Eli the Bearded
2020-05-04 03:19:44 UTC
Post by Baal
It has long been my view that the state has NO business whatsoever telling
authors what they can write, nor citizens what they can read or view, for
that matter. We have long since lost that battle in this country, and so it
would appear, in yours as well, at least insofar as certain types of erotica
are concerned.
Well, the war has been being fought since at least the sixties (with
Grove Press fighting for _Tropic of Cancer_). Progress has mostly
stalled now, but I don't think it's over.
Post by Baal
Thanks for posting these samples -- this is the first time I had seen these.
There's doubtless more to be found, that's just what I had still handy.
Post by Baal
What does this say, about a country and its' justice system, that would send
an elderly man (in poor health) to prison for a decade, followed by a further
decade of probation?
The US has the highest per-capita incareration rate in the world. It's
not unreasonable to say it is a police state. His story is one thread in
a vast quilt of injustice.
Post by Baal
Frank wasn't convicted of murder or manslaughter -- rather, his crime was to
challenge the authorities, in trying to get Miller v. California overturned.
For the record, that's a different Miller than the one that wrote
_Tropic of Cancer_.
Post by Baal
Frank had the courage of his convictions, I'll give him that, but he paid a
*very* high price for it.
It's very hard to stand there and push the bulldozer back.
Post by Baal
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 CE

had not been prepared for that mountain of a reply
2020-05-05 17:00:47 UTC
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Baal
It has long been my view that the state has NO business whatsoever telling
authors what they can write, nor citizens what they can read or view, for
that matter. We have long since lost that battle in this country, and so it
would appear, in yours as well, at least insofar as certain types of erotica
are concerned.
Well, the war has been being fought since at least the sixties (with
Grove Press fighting for _Tropic of Cancer_). Progress has mostly
stalled now, but I don't think it's over.
The war has been going on far longer than that. The Comstock Act which was
used to prosecute/jail Frank for the first time, has been in place since
March 3, 1873.

Here is a little historical tidbit that you might be unaware of: it is said
that prior to Anthony Comstock's death, he was approached by a young law
student, who purportedly showed an interest in Comstock's causes and his
investigative methods. The name of that student was John Edgar Hoover.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Baal
Thanks for posting these samples -- this is the first time I had seen these.
There's doubtless more to be found, that's just what I had still handy.
Post by Baal
What does this say, about a country and its' justice system, that would
send an elderly man (in poor health) to prison for a decade, followed by
a further decade of probation?
The US has the highest per-capita incareration rate in the world. It's
not unreasonable to say it is a police state. His story is one thread in
a vast quilt of injustice.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Baal
Frank wasn't convicted of murder or manslaughter -- rather, his crime was
challenge the authorities, in trying to get Miller v. California overturned.
_Tropic of Cancer_.
Indeed. Arthur Miller wrote Tropic of Cancer in the 1930s, in Paris; Marvin
Miller ran a California-based mail-order business in the 1970s specializing
in pornographic films and books.
Post by Eli the Bearded
Post by Baal
Frank had the courage of his convictions, I'll give him that, but he
paid a *very* high price for it.
It's very hard to stand there and push the bulldozer back.
Indeed. I would argue that the first duty of an activist to survive. That
means _NOT_ placing yourself in a position (i.e. in front of the bulldozer)
where you will be crushed and utterly destroyed, as Frank was.

Rather, I think there is a good argument to be made that living well (or at
least surviving) is the best revenge. If Frank had taken appropriate steps
to protect himself, he could have remained free and continued to publish as
he saw fit for another decade or so.
Post by Eli the Bearded
had not been prepared for that mountain of a reply
Sorry about that... I tend to be rather long-winded.

Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key: http://zimmermann.mayfirst.org/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=0x1e92c0e8&fingerprint=on
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
- --
Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 CE

If you accept that freedom of speech is important, then you are going to
have to defend the indefensible. -- Neil Gaiman

"We learned during the McCarthy era that when the State gets behind a moral
panic, no one is safe." -- Bob Chatelle
2020-05-26 06:57:22 UTC
Some further information has come to light on the circumstances of Frank's
death in custody this past April. It turns out that FCI Elkton, the prison
in Ohio where Frank was incarcerated, was one of three Covid-19 hotspots in
the entire U.S. Bureau of Prisons-run institutions. The situation was /so/
bad in these institutions that even the Attorney-General, Bill Barr himself
singled-out FCI Elkton as one of the worst of these institutions.

I stumbled across a news story on Commondreams.org, which mentioned FCI
Elkton -- this was the facility that housed the late Frank McCoy.

ACLU Asks Supreme Court to Deny Bureau of Prisons Request to
Block Order That Will Save Lives

BOP has failed to effectuate judge-mandated reduction of
population at Elkton Prison.

WASHINGTON - This morning, the American Civil Liberties Union
and the ACLU of Ohio filed an opposition brief with the U.S.
Supreme Court, asking the court to deny the government's request
to stay the preliminary injunction — ordered by United States
District Judge James S. Gwin last month — at Elkton Federal
Correction Institution. This is the first time the Trump
administration has asked the Supreme Court to block an order
that would protect prisoners from COVID-19.

In a rebuke this week, Judge Gwin noted that one in four people
tested at Elkton had tested positive for COVID-19, and that the
BOP was required to expedite the transfer and release of the 837
members of the medically-vulnerable subclass to home confinement
and compassionate release. Nine people have died at the prison,
making it one of the more deadly BOP-run prisons during this

The ACLU's brief made reference to prisoner deaths and, in particular,
mentioned 3 prisoners by name, one of whom was Frank McCoy. Here are some
excerpts from that ACLU brief:


In few places is the deadly threat of COVID-19 more amplified
than in the cramped, overcrowded environment of prisons. And
among federal prisons, the Attorney General himself has singled
out the facility at Elkton, Ohio, as one of the worst.


2 Congress has provided the Federal Bureau of Prisons with a
collection of tools to attempt to ameliorate situations like
Elkton's, including recently expanded authority to move prisoners
to home confinement.

Nearly two months ago, Attorney General William Barr exhorted
the wardens of the BOP’s three worst COVID-19 hotspots, including
Elkton, to use these tools "with dispatch" to move as many people
as possible to safety. But the Government did not do so. By the
time this case was filed, on April 13, three Elkton prisoners were
dead. By the end of this case's first week, the death toll had
doubled.[2] By May 8, it grew to 9. Now, 20 more people are
hospitalized and 8 intubated. And nearly 1 in 4 prisoners (of
those who have been tested) are infected.

Recognizing that the unmitigated deadly risks to Elkton prisoners
warrant relief, the District Court crafted a carefully circumscribed
preliminary injunction to implement the habeas remedy of enlargement,
affording substantial discretion to prison officials, using nothing
but countermeasures already available to the Government. On April 22,
the District Court ordered the Government to identify members of the
subclass of medically vulnerable prisoners, and to "evaluate each
subclass member's eligibility for transfer within two weeks [by May 6],
prioritizing the most medically vulnerable inmates. It ordered the
Government to evaluate their eligibility for home confinement,
compassionate release, furloughs, or a transfer to a safer facility.
Where the Government determined that prisoners were, in fact, eligible
for relief, the court ordered them to provide it. This was no mass
release order; indeed, the District Court repeatedly stressed that
it was not ordering the release of anyone...


7.On Monday March 30th prisoners at FCI Elkton, a low security male
prison, began testing positive for COVID-19. As of April 12, 2020,
Elkton has 35 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 24 prisoner and
11 staff diagnoses. The FBOP released consecutive memos on 4/2/20,
4/3/20,7 and 4/4/20,8 announcing the deaths of Elkton prisoners
Woodrow Taylor (53 y/o), Margarito Garcia-Fragoso (65 y/o), and Frank
McCoy (76 y/o), respectively. The medically established progression of
COVID-19, combined with the pre-existing health conditions of all 3
men, makes it likely these individuals suffered tremendously leading
up to their deaths.


The BOP press-release announcing Frank McCoy's death reads as follows:

U.S. Department of Justice - Federal Bureau of Prisons
Contact: Office of Public Affairs - 202-514-6551

April 4, 2020

Inmate Death at FCI Elkton

WASHINGTON, D.C.: On Thursday, March 26, 2020, inmate Frank McCoy
reported to the Health Services Department at the Federal Satellite
Low Institution (FSL) Elkton, in Lisbon, Ohio.

Mr. McCoy was evaluated by institutional medical staff and transported
to a local hospital for further treatment and evaluation due to the
inability to maintain oxygen saturation. While at the local hospital,
Mr. McCoy tested positive for COVID-19, his condition declined and he
was placed on a ventilator.

On Thursday, April 2, 2020, Mr. McCoy, who had long-term, pre-existing
medical conditions which the CDC lists as risk factors for developing
more severe COVID-19 disease, was pronounced dead by hospital staff.

Mr. McCoy was a 76 year-old male serving a 121 month sentence for
Possession of Child Pornography. He had been in custody at FSL Elkton
since September 6, 2017.

FCI Elkton is a low security facility that currently houses 2040 male
offenders, with an adjacent Federal Satellite Low which currently houses
417 low security male offenders.

The Bureau will continue to provide daily updates and information on
actions related to COVID-19 at www.bop.gov/coronavirus/index.jsp.

Additional information about the Federal Bureau of Prisons can be found
at www.bop.gov.



Baal <***@Usenet.org>
PGP Key: http://zimmermann.mayfirst.org/pks/lookup?search=0x40E4E9BBD08422D53DE966B808E3638C1E92C0E8&fingerprint=on&op=vindex
PGP Key Fingerprint: 40E4 E9BB D084 22D5 3DE9 66B8 08E3 638C 1E92 C0E8
- --

Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes?" -- "Who will watch the Watchmen?"
-- Juvenal, Satires, VI, 347. circa 128 CE

If you accept that freedom of speech is important, then you are going to
have to defend the indefensible. -- Neil Gaiman

"We learned during the McCarthy era that when the State gets behind a moral
panic, no one is safe." -- Bob Chatelle

He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from
-- Thomas Paine
Always Horny
2020-05-26 18:40:00 UTC
Sad story. Thanks for posting it.
A_H_01 at hotmail. com